How to Change Alexa’s Name and Wake Word to Something Else
Sunday, 01 November 2020
Amazon Alexa can be a very handy voice assistant—unless there is someone named Alexa in your household, or Alexa has trouble hearing you say her name. Fortunately, there is a way to change the assistant’s wake word so you can call it something else. Let’s break down how to change Alexa’s wake word to something
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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Google Assistant Can Now Wake You Up With a Song
Friday, 02 February 2018
If you own a Google Home, a Google Home Max, or any other smart speaker, Google Assistant has some new tricks to show you. On their own none of them will blow your mind, but collectively they show how Google is continually improving the abilities of Google Home and Assistant. Google has afforded Google Assistant
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News