Predict Game Of Thrones Deaths and Theories, and Other Cool Apps for GoT Fans
Saturday, 27 April 2019
The latest and last season of Game of Thrones has started airing, which inevitably leads to many theories and rumors swirling around. Here are a few must-have apps and sites for fans, especially if you want to challenge your friends about whose predictions turn out right. Keep in mind, these resources are aimed at fans
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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Finished Game of Thrones? The 11 Best Shows to Fill the Void
Monday, 04 September 2017
The penultimate season of Game of Thrones (GoT) has finished, setting things up nicely for the final season. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait a while for that season to arrive on your TV screen. But don’t worry, as there are a few other shows to fill that GoT-shaped hole in your life. We have listed
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 Brilliant Game of Thrones Sites & Apps for Fans of TV or Books
Saturday, 15 July 2017
Everyone is excited about the launch of the seventh season of Game of Thrones. The season also comes before the new book in the series, which means what happens on TV is the first anyone will know about events. If you’re new to the ground-breaking TV series, there are ways to find out everything you
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
Wednesday Roundup: Playstation Wireless Headset, Game of Thrones Blu-rays, and the Most Affordable Earphones [UK]
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
If E3 has you excited to get back into gaming, then the 30% off Sony’s wireless PlayStation headset is likely to pique your interest. More of a Game of Thrones fan? The Blu-ray collection is on offer, alongside a companion book by George R.R. Martin himself detailing the history of Westeros. Plus some ludicrously cheap
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
You’re Not a Game of Thrones Fan If You Haven’t Got These 5 Tools
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
It’s the most pirated TV show of all time, but just watching all the episodes of Game of Thrones (GoT) or reading the A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIF) books doesn’t make you a fan. Oh, no, no, no. You have to back up those geek credentials with a little extra effort. True fans
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
Everything You Wanted to Know About Game of Thrones
Friday, 27 May 2016
There’s no denying that Game of Thrones is a phenomenon at this point, with millions of fans desperately awaiting the next episode, or binge-watching entire series. For most fans, the books and/or TV series are enough. But for more diehard fans, additional information, context, news, and commentaries are always more than welcome. With that in mind, we
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News