Google Made a New App that Pays You for Talking to Your Phone
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
If there’s one thing Google loves, it’s a nice experimental application. The company seems more than willing to test something out and see if it sticks (and frequently, it doesn’t even come close to sticking). Google has just launched a new app called Task Mate, which is designed to pay users for completing various tasks with
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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Get Everyone Talking with 12 Fun Ice Breakers for Work
Monday, 08 February 2016
You’ve heard about the importance of warming up properly before intense physical activity, especially if you want to increase your performance. Well, it turns out that mental warmups and ice breakers are equally as important to prepare for tasks that can tax your mind. When used before a meeting, college class or work event, ice breakers
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News