What Is Medito and Can It Improve Your Mental Wellbeing?
Saturday, 23 July 2022
Meditation is a simple practice that can reduce stress and leave you feeling at peace. A couple of its key benefits include managing stress, focusing on the present, improving self-awareness, and boosting your mood. MUO – Feed
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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Unlocking Creativity: Simple Tips to Beat Mental Slumps
Saturday, 27 June 2020
Creative activities can be lots of fun, but many times “creativity” is a learning process, with lots of bumps along the way. Sometimes you have no idea what to make next, or you don’t know how to create it, so you get slowed down while you try to come up with a new plan. At
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 Self-Improvement Challenges to Boost Your Mental and Physical Health
Tuesday, 05 November 2019
This time of the year makes people challenge themselves, whether it’s NaNoWriMo, Movember, or other disciplines. Here are a few more self-improvement challenges, both short-term and long-term, to make a better version of yourself. Challenges are a nice way to start doing something that you keep putting off. They usually give you guidelines or suggestions
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 Free Positivity Apps to Manage Mental Health and Boost Your Spirits
Sunday, 26 May 2019
The hustle and bustle of everyday life can really wear you down. Try these helpful apps that can manage your mental health and boost your spirits. These tools have a mix of science and age-old wisdom, and focus on bringing a positive force into your life. Whether it’s through proven self-care or mind hacks to
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
These 11 Bad Habits Are Killing Your Mental Energy
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Like it or not, you have a limited amount of mental energy you can use to accomplish all your tasks in a given day. If you run out — or don’t start with much — it’s going to be a challenge to stay productive. You’re already doing things to manage your time, but are you
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
8 Mental Health Apps for People Who Can’t See a Therapist
Sunday, 01 January 2017
It may sound surprising, but mental health disorders are quite common in the U.S. Millions of adults have a mental health disorder, but the numbers vary by demographic group. The National Institute of Mental Health estimated that in 2014, mental illness affected 43.6 million adults in the U.S. Put another way, 18.1 percent of all
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News