A Hacker Group Just Leaked 9GB of Microsoft’s Source Code
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
For a tech company, its source code for its apps and services is its most treasured secret; if they ever get into the public eye, it'll reveal how the company did what it achieved. Unfortunately for Microsoft, a hacking group called Lapsus$ has managed to steal a lot of the company's source code, and now
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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Hacker Steals $600 Million of Crypto—But Returns Half in Dramatic Twist
Thursday, 12 August 2021
A $ 600 million cryptocurrency heist took an unexpected turn after the attackers returned over $ 260 million of the stolen funds. $ 260 Million Stolen Cryptocurrency Returned On August 11, 2021, decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Poly Network reported that it was victim to a $ 611 million cryptocurrency hack. Poly Network is a combined
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
Download “Becoming The Hacker” For FREE (Worth $32)
Sunday, 23 February 2020
If you’d like to delve into web penetration testing, Becoming the Hacker is a clear guide to approaching this lucrative and growing industry. This free book (worth $ 32) takes you through commonly encountered vulnerabilities and how to take advantage of them to achieve your goal. You’ll then go on to put your “newly learned
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
Pay What You Want for the Ethical Hacker and Pentester Pro Learning Bundle
Friday, 06 May 2016
Normally speaking, hacking an app or website would land you in jail — but for penetration testing professionals, it is all in a day’s work. This technique allows security experts to advise developers on how to secure their code. Given the constant stream of data breaches in recent times, these skills are very much in
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News