What Is Focus Stacking? The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Images Super Sharp
Thursday, 19 May 2022
Are you in awe of some of the photos you see online? The gorgeous landscape shots, gleaming product photos, and glossy macro photos jump right at you from the screen. Do you often wonder about the type of gear the photographers use? Maybe, it's the latest camera, an expensive lens, or the professional lighting. MUO
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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Microsoft Is Enhancing Windows 11’s Focus Assist Tool
Wednesday, 06 April 2022
If you use Focus Assist a lot on your Windows 11 machine, you're in for a treat. Microsoft has announced that it has a few tweaks up its sleeve for the productivity tool, and they're bound to make your work life a lot easier to navigate. MUO – Feed
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
6 Cheat-Proof App Blockers That Make You Focus
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
If you're distraction-prone, most ordinary app-blockers and focus tools won't cut it. You'll need an app that forces you to follow through on your commitments. Not one that's easy to cancel or adjust if you don't feel like it. MUO – Feed
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
The 9 Best Distraction-Free Writing Apps for Linux to Help You Focus
Friday, 24 December 2021
Writing is a creative effort. Whether you are writing for your blog or working on documentation for a project, it demands focus in terms of brainstorming and thought organization. MUO – Feed
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 Day Planner Tools to Focus On Your Most Critical Daily Goals
Tuesday, 05 October 2021
The simplest productivity hack to stay organized and get things done is to create an action plan for the day. These apps and tools are the best free day planners, online or offline. Day planners are handy to tackle overwhelming to-do lists that span weeks and months of tasks. Planning a day includes other rituals,
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 Ways to Focus on Work at Home and Avoid Distractions
Saturday, 11 April 2020
When you’re working from your home instead of an office, there are more distractions than normal. But with a few apps and strategies, you can focus on the job and stay productive. Hopefully, by now you are familiar with some of the best work from home resources that will teach you the tricks of the
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News