What Is Dark Fiber, and Can It Make Your Broadband Faster?
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
“Dark fiber” sounds like something out of a spooky horror movie, but in reality, it’s a lot tamer than it sounds. So, what is dark fiber, and can you use it to get even faster download speeds? Let’s explore the dark fiber network and how you can put it to use. What Is Dark Fiber? Dark
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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Cable vs. Fiber Internet: Which One Is Better?
Sunday, 05 February 2017
So you’ve just moved into a new neighborhood and, depending on where you are, you have an important choice to make. You don’t want 56K dial-up because it’s far too slow for the modern web. Satellite internet is currently too expensive and problematic, mainly suffering from high latency and limited practical usage. You could get
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
Google Launches Fiber Phone, SoundCloud Go Starts Streaming… [Tech News Digest]
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Google brings Fiber to home phones, SoundCloud Go competes with Spotify, Instagram lets you record 60-second videos, Waze warns against speeding, and Smell Dating is as gross as it sounds. Google Fiber Launches a Phone Service Google has launched a home telephone service called Fiber Home, which, for $ 10-a-month, offers unlimited calls within the
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News