5 Apps to Fix YouTube Fails and Overcome Limitations
Tuesday, 03 March 2020
Tired of how YouTube promotes mainstream media? Or how it removes videos without warning and doesn’t let you listen to podcasts in the background? With the right tools, you can fix all of these YouTube failures and limitations. Just because YouTube is the biggest video sharing platform in the world doesn’t mean it is free
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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The Internet’s Biggest Fails on Facebook, YouTube, Google Maps, and More
Saturday, 09 September 2017
Ah, schadenfreude! So universal is our tendency to laugh at the misfortune of others that the Germans invented a term for it. Not to be left behind, the internet coined its own term: “Fail.” Let’s witness the best (or worst?) of these. Well, let’s be clear, this isn’t the worst of the web. Fails are
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
4 Smart Home Fails You Can Avoid If You’re Smart
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Small home installations seem to be getting easier with each passing year as the technology that powers smart devices improves. Unfortunately, problems still happen, as the following examples show. It Was the Light Bulb Back in 2009, Raul Rojas become one of the first in Germany to operate a smart home. Nearly everything in the
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News