The 5 Best Sites to Learn the Basics of Music Theory
Friday, 29 May 2020
Music makes the world go around, but do you actually know what it is? To really understand music, here are some of the best ways to learn music theory online for free. If you love music but you never learned music theory, you’re doing yourself a great disservice. The more you understand the basics, the
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
What Is a Ping? Is Zero Ping Possible? The Basics of Ping, Explained
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
If you’re an avid gamer, there’s a good chance that you’ve experienced high ping and cursed how laggy everything felt. It would be better if ping didn’t factor in at all; but what is ping, and can you achieve a 0ms ping? Let’s explore what ping is, why it exists, and if you can get
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 Excellent Free Lessons to Learn the Basics of Photography
Saturday, 08 February 2020
We are carrying phones with five cameras built into them. But having more cameras isn’t going to make your photos better. To shoot good pictures, try these free lessons to learn the basics of photography. These resources dive into what anyone needs to know before taking up photography as a hobby. There are a couple
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 Sites to Learn Personal Finance Basics and Manage Your Money
Saturday, 04 January 2020
Saving money, getting out of debt, and becoming wealthier are among the most common goals, especially for New Year’s resolutions. How do you start? These websites will point you in the right direction. Personal finance management is a core skill that every adult should have. But to manage your money, you need to first know
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
What Is Object Oriented Programming? The Basics Explained in Layman’s Terms
Sunday, 01 July 2018
If you’ve done some beginner programming, or even started to look at different languages, you’ve probably come across the phrase “object-oriented programming” (or “OOP”). There are all sorts of technical explanations as to what it is, but today we’re going to take a look at defining object-oriented programming in a simple way. Before We Start:
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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