There are multiple ways to develop apps for Android. You can either go down the path of native or hybrid application development. In the former case, you can choose from either Java or Kotlin. And the latter includes Flutter, React native, or NativeScript. Flutter uses Dart, whereas React Native or NativeScript rely on Javascript.
If you’d like to learn how to develop apps for Android, the Android 11 developer bundle course will help you get started.
What’s in the Bundle?
The 11-course bundle covers everything about Kotlin, Java, interface design, and concepts you need to know to develop Android apps. Let’s explore the bundle in detail:
- Kotlin Fundamentals: The three-part course takes a deep dive on how to start using Kotlin in your projects. It covers basic concepts like program flow, classes and inheritance, data collections, and API calls. In the end, you’ll get how to integrate Firebase into app development, control authentication flow, sync user data, use backend cloud storage, and more.
- Java for Android App Development: If you’re already into Java, the two-part course shows you how to set up the environment for Android app development with Android Studio and understand the Java basics like variables, operators, loops, arrays, object-oriented programming, and classes.
- Android 11 Developer Course: You’ll learn the basics of app-building, Kotlin fundamentals, Layouts and Views, RecyclerViews, persistent memory, and more. Each lecture is followed by hand-on practice sessions and exercises.
- Design Modern User Interface for Android Apps: You need some design skills to create beautiful apps. This five-hour course explains how to design a modern UI for an app. You’ll learn about UI basics, XML files, material design, Recycler View, and fonts.
- Networking and Handling Background Tasks in Android: Most apps require internet connectivity to transfer data and analytics. The two-part course shows how to create a newsreader app by implementing Volley, Retrofit, and XMLPullParser. You’ll understand about job schedular, work manager, and services. Your app needs to utilize these features to run in the background.
- Activities and Fragments in Android: This three-hour course guides you through building a gym app while teaching you about activity lifecycles, fragments, callback interfaces, and more.
- Create a Library Management App in Android Studio: Learn the ins and outs of developing a library management app from scratch. Create persist data with shared preferences and json, Utils class, make app’s first page, work on animations, and more.
Should You Buy this Bundle
Google I/O 2019 announced that Android app development would increasingly utilize Kotlin. From then onwards, many jetpack APIs and features will be offered in Kotlin. If you’re starting a new project, you should write and code in Kotlin. At the same time, Google will also invest in tooling, docs, training, and events.
If you’re a new developer, we recommend you start with Kotlin. Then learn about designing interfaces, activities, background tasks, firebase integration, and handling data. The deal is available for only $ 40.